This is the second time the Flying Eye Hospital has visited Zambia, with the first project in 2012 in Ndola focusing on pediatric ophthalmology. This October 2023 project was the first to take place in the capital city, Lusaka, after a prior project scheduled for 2020 was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure eye teams in Zambia could still benefit from best-in-class training, our Flying Eye Hospital team created a virtual program delivered over Cybersight.
This time, however, our teams were thrilled to meet many of their colleagues in person, with Orbis Volunteer Faculty and clinical staff training local teams via state-of-the-art simulation technology and hands-on surgery. With a focus on strabismus, cataract, glaucoma, vitreoretinal, oculoplastics, anesthesiology, nursing and biomedical engineering, our teams ensured that crucial training priorities identified in the planning process were met.
We’d like to say a huge thank you to our project sponsors, OMEGA and Alcon Foundation. Without their support, these projects would not be possible. We’d also like to thank our Volunteer Faculty who give up their free time to share their unique skills, and of course, our wonderful supporters – without whom none of this would be possible.