Orbis Future Vision Leaders

The Orbis Future Vision Leaders is an exciting new initiative from Orbis Canada designed specifically for Canadian university and medical students, ophthalmology postgraduate trainees and alumni who are passionate about eye health and supporting Orbis in our fight to end avoidable blindness globally.

About Orbis Future Vision Leaders

The Orbis Future Vision Leaders is a collective of university and medical students, ophthalmology postgraduate trainees and alumni from across Canada who are passionate about eye health. The goal of the Orbis Future Vision Leaders is to create an engaged and inspired community of students and recent graduates who want to network, learn, share and exchange ideas – all while building awareness and raising funds to support Orbis’s sight-saving work around the world.

Join Orbis Future Vision Leaders

Membership with the Orbis Future Vision Leaders offers a number of unique and interactive opportunities for students and recent graduates to pursue their passion for eye health, while making a real difference for the 1.1 billion people living with vision loss and blindness around the world.

Join the Orbis Future Vision Leaders Today

Join Now

The Orbis Future Vision Leaders is a community that empowers and inspires the next generation of eye health professionals to become champions of Orbis’s vision. Like Orbis, this community of students and trainees believe no one should ever live a life of blindness or visual impairment simply because of where they were born.

To learn more about Orbis Canada and the Orbis Future Vision Leaders, or to find out if your university already has an affiliated Orbis Future Vision Leaders' chapter, click here.

If you have any other questions, please contact:

Clare Szalay Timbo
Orbis Canada

Address: 192 Spadina Ave, Suite 421
Toronto, ON M5T 2C2

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