Eye exams are a crucial step in catching vision problems early to prevent lifelong challenges. Unfortunately, not every child has access to the eye care they need. For Nandin-Egshiglen, a four-year-old girl from Mongolia, her care came thanks our dedicated supporters who helped her receive life-changing treatment.
Nandin-Egshiglen, affectionately known as "Gunj" or "Sky Princess," is the third of four siblings living in Ulaanbaatar. A few months ago, her parents became nervous when they noticed their daughter had developed cloudy eyes and was losing interest in her favorite activities. Nandin-Egshiglen, who once loved playing with her family and friends, even stopped going to preschool.
“This all started when she had some fluid in her eyes that we were told was a result of the flu. But after that cleared up, we noticed she was putting the phone up to her face to see videos and even doing the same thing with drawing paper. This triggered the alarm for us, when we really knew something was going on with her eyes,” shares her mother, Odonsuvd, who suffered from her own eye issues as a young girl.